Quick Start
To start using Algolia in your Magento installation, follow the steps in this video or on the page below.
There are two ways to install the extension:
- Through composer
- Through the Magento Marketplace
With composer installed, run the following commands:
composer require algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2
php bin/magento module:enable Algolia_AlgoliaSearch
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Magento Marketplace
Navigate to the Magento Marketplace to get the extension and follow the instructions to install.
If you run into an error about missing dependencies while installing or upgrading through the Marketplace, resolve all dependencies by running composer update
Magento 2.4 compatibility
The Magento 2.4 release introduced several significant changes, including removing the MySQL search engine option.
To be compatible with Magento version 2.4, Algolia’s extension (starting from version 3.x) doesn’t include back-end rendering features that rely on the MySQL search adapter classes.
Legacy versions (v1.x and v2.x) of the extension aren’t compatible with Magento 2.4, and Algolia dropped support for these legacy branches at the end of 2020.
If you’re running Magento 2.4, you must install version 3.x of the extension to ensure compatibility.
Before using the Magento extension, you must create an Algolia account.
Algolia account
Create your account with the sign-up wizard.
You can use Algolia for Magento 2 with free or paid plans, but some features aren’t available on the free plan. However, you can move to a paid plan later to get the full benefit.
Pay attention when picking a data center during the sign-up. For performance reasons, it’s best to pick the one closest to the data center of your Magento installation.
Magento settings
To configure the Magento extension, you need the following Algolia credentials:
- Application ID
- Search-only API key
- Admin API key
You can find these credentials on the Algolia Dashboard, on the API Keys page from the menu.
In the administration section of your Magento project, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Algolia Search and fill in the form in the Credentials & Setup tab with all the information required.
Once the extension has been configured, send the data in your Magento installation to Algolia using the indexing process. To do this, run the following in the command-line from the root of your Magento project:
php bin/magento indexer:reindex algolia_products algolia_categories algolia_pages algolia_suggestions algolia_additional_sections